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Saturday, January 7, 2012

See anything new???

So you may have noticed something new at the top of my Blog.  It's a weight loss ticker :).  My DH and I have been very frustrated with our weight and lack of energy lately.  We both agreed to change our eating habits and in the process, hope to lose 30lbs.  It's amazing how much better I feel cutting out major sugar and caffeine!  I'm much calmer with the children and my DH too!  My DH cut out all soda so far and he's lost a bit more then me.  I'm very proud of him. 

I don't have much on the knitting agenda right now.  I'm knitting a sweater and pant set out of Mosaic Moon's Woodland Friends.  I just finished a pair of longies on my "Winter" colorway.  I have been working on a scarf for me out of Mosaic Moon's "Red Ming".  I can't wait to finish it and be able to use it. 

Christmas and New Years was fun here with the kids.  Here are a couple of special picture that I took of them on Christmas Eve. 



and Xmas morning...


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Me Oh My

I just can't keep up with posting on a blog!  I have the best intentions but time gets away from me. 

I finished a few things.  Haven't started much.  On my list is a pair of longies in my "winter" colorway for a custom, and a Chloe Grace in Shy Violet's "Butterfly" colorway with purple trim also for a custom.  I'd like to knit my daughter a So Sassy sweater.  I adore that pattern. 

Here are some finished pics:
A hat for my daughter

An Ohio State University hat for my youngest son

A Cleveland Browns hat for my middle son

A Butterflly Dress for my cousin's daughter

And some action shots of the set I knit earlier this month.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Finished a few more!

I finished this set :)


...and separate pictures




Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I know it's coming but I feel like it's still sneaking up on me.  We spend the Thanksgiving Holiday with my side of the family.  There are quite a few of us that get together.  We have two turkeys and tons of potatoes and sides.  I'm so excited to see my family. 

I've been doing a little Christmas shopping.  Can't seem to find the LeapFrog LeapPad instock anywhere and I'm getting nervous.  I've been trying for days.  Hoping that the stores are saving their supplies for Black Friday and will be fully stocked. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Finally, some WIP pictures!

Been tryin to get some much needed knitting done. 

This is a WIP Cleveland Browns hat for my 9yr Joey.  Unfortunately, he is a Browns Fan and requested these colors. 


A shrug that I still need to block and sew on a button for.


And the matching Tiptoe Hat but its on hold until I receive more yarn.


A Mosaic Moon "Red Ming" scarf for me <3  I hope to be able to do some matching mittens :)


And lastly, a Butterfly Dress requested by my cousin for her daughter for Christmas. 


Whew!  That's a lot on the needles.  I love keeping busy though. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some Sparkly Winter!

I'm finishing this cute set for a customer.  It's Swish worsted yarn in blue and white with some gray/silver sparkly yarn mixed in. Such a fun knit!





I'll be knitting a matching hat to go with this set too.  Probably a Tiptoe Hat.

Katie and I will be stocking this Friday.  Here are some of the items I'll be stocking.
Bayside Britches and a Tiptoe Hat
"Boys of Summer" longies
A random colorway I dyed up that I call "Winter".  Stop on by and check it out! 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Time to plant the bulbs

It's getting so cooooold outside!  I purchased some tulip bulbs to plant and now I just have to figure out where I want to plant them!  I love the first signs of spring :)

Kids are still keeping me pretty busy.  I have alot of new projects that I need to get moving on.  I also have to plan a football party for this Saturday.  Twenty plus 10-11 year olds over at the house.  Am I nuts???  I must be. 

Lots of Halloween activities coming up.  What are your kids dressing up as for trick or treating?  I have no idea what my children want to be.  There is a Halloween dance, an open ice skate and a Goblin Gallop coming up.  Love this time of year!

Next post will include some finished pictures of baysides and tiptoe hats. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Get out your Leaf Blowers

Autumn is here to stay!  My driveway is covered in leaves and my flowers need cut back.  The weather is cooler and the nights are longer. 

My neice is out of the hospital and recovering at home.  It looks as though she will make a full recovery!  Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  It's her third birthday today!

My boys are keeping me so busy these days!  This includes my DH.  They are playing football and soccer and Daddy is coach for two of the three of them. Doesn't leave much time for knitting.  I don't have any WIP pictures to take as of now.  I've pretty much stalled out and need to get my rear in gear. 

I'll leave this post with a picture of my youngest son.  He's 5 and his name is Kyler.  This is the pumpkin that he picked on his field trip hayride.  He was so proud of it!  My Mr. Handsome :)